The list of cameras are comprised from preferences of professional photographers that I know or have volunteered to give me advice. Equipment in this technological age changes quickly/ Therefore I will discuss the whys, wherefores and therefore Certain features and principals will be the same even after the model numbers change.
In the beginning, well not the very beginning the rang finder camera (Kodak 1916) was built that allow a photographer to see approximately what the camera saw thru a separate and distinct lens, much like a rifle scope allows a person to aim the rifle.
SLR Single Len Reflex ( today DSLR ) This was the best thing since putting silver chloride silver nitrate on cellulose and exposing it to sunlight. This type of camera allows the photographer to see what the same camera lens sees that will impregnate the film.
Today the sensor is receiving the light that will be translated into ones and zeros as a digital file which can also be sent to the viewer.
Comparing a WEB page viewed upon a persons phone with what a person sees in a glossy magazine cover is great. The usage of the photograph dictates the resolution needed. The selection of the equipment must be able to deliver at least and preferably greater than what is required
Why agent seem cheap when hiring a photographer. Let us hypothetically say that the average price for a house is $428,700, and the average commission is 6% , that is split between the selling broker and the buyers broker, thus 3% that is split between the broker and his agent. Now we may be talking about 1.5% , within that 1.5% is the marketing, license fees, education, gas, if they hire a photographer, their fees and the many hours of handling that transaction. Well that still sounds like a fair wage. What if that house does not sell? A different agent comes months later and sells the property. Those hours and expenses are absorbed by that agent. That is the average price that means that 50% of the houses are cheaper then that. The cheaper houses are likely to be photographed by the agents cell phone. Photos are fair and usable. Thus the higher price the house the more likely that an agent will hire a photographer, video photographer, drone photos, and order a 3D tour.
What is the strengths of a professional camera, compare to using your cellular phone's built in camera? Interchangeable lens, and the sensor size.
Interchangeable lens allows a person to vary the view from a wide 180 degrees (fish eye lens) to James Web telescope that is able to see the details of a space of the size of a postage stamp. (telephoto)*** perhaps speck of space? *****************
The telephoto lens (macro photography) greatly magnifies that spec of space Where we can see details of what is not possible with the naked eye. The wide angle lens will photograph a much greater geographic area of a room. A way to increase the width of an image is to stitch (combine photos using software) photos together making panoramas possible.
Wide Angle for wide rooms, photos can be stitched together for wider rooms or panorama
The distance that the photograph is taken from different parts of a building causes lines to converge. Using a Tilt and shift lens optics can be tilted and/or shifted in relation to the image sensor. Architectural photography needs to keep vertical lines straight, that can be accomplished by shifting.
Note a round lens produces a round image
Total round area
The rectangular area is what is recorded by large sensor
note smaller rectangular area is what is recorded by smaller sensor with the same lens
Economy, any software that lets you crop the photo to desired contents and size.
What the Industry expects you to use, Adobe products beginning with Light Room to adjust the white balance, then Photo Shop to make any other adjustments
There are many drone manufacturers, including many great American Manufacturers. DJI dominates the market for real estate photgraphy.