Does your personality compliment or match your partners personality? How do you divide the labor of purchasing a house?
Just because you are a particular personality type does not mean that you can not learn new skills. ( The adage "old dogs can not learn new tricks" is wrong, it is just a much greater chore for old dogs to learn new tricks, see my coming mental health pages ) However for the sake of expediency, if the budget allows, you might consider hiring a professional to do the skills that do not come naturally to you or you spouse. Hiring others for small projects may make the project financially infeasible, and doomed. Not hiring a professional where needed could be worst.
division of labor? Does your spouse compliment or duplicate your personality type? If you have a significant other who is best to pick the features? Can you woork together? Who is best at keeping track of the dates and details that are needed for the transaction?
Examining MYERS & BRIGGS' 16 PERSONALITY TYPES, .... Most important for deciding how much house to purchase is determining how much Risk-Adversity do you have. Your contract to purchase mostl likely will have clauses that allows you so many days to acquire financing, have an inspection or inspections and attempt to renegociate if anything is found that must be repaired. These events are important, remember Elon Must being sued by Twitter for specific performance.
What is your approuch to Money? How important is image? Money Status, Money Worship, Money Vigilance, or Money Avoidance are also considerations, perhaps indicating neighborhood and house style.
How much of a budget buffer are you comfortable wit? Just because the loan source is willing to loan you X number of dollars which would indicate an approximate monthly payment which they think you can afford, does not mean you will be comfortable.
Is this purchase to provide for a escape from the work world? Therefore the style is for your personality. Is the purchase to provide for the children? Function and school system is important. Is the new home a place to entertain potential client? What personality and qualities will they be comfortable with?
If the needed skills are not currently your strongest skills that you have, you must lean upon technology (software, apps ), systems (structural procedures) and or other with that expertise. Not having a certain personality type or having the experience at a certain skill or situation does not prevent you from being successful. Being aware of where or at what you need to spend additional effort is important.